Blog Post 3


I improved my art making skills with using slabs. I have never made a slab house before; only a cube from last year. I looked at some pictures online to get an idea on how the roof would attach, and I sketched it out. I let the pieces dry a day with newspaper on the top and bottom similar to the base and sides of the house. I did this because I didn’t want the roof to cave in. I beveled the top of the roof, so it would fit, and I used a serrated edge scarper on the sides to get a good attachment. All in all, I furthered my slab making skills with adding a roof.

Along with the roof, I had to solve a problem with one side of the roof. I was a little frustrated with the slab not fitting, so I cut out the one roof side to reattach it again. This time, I moved the piece closer to the top of the wall below. With this, I had to put a coil at the top point of the roof since it was a little further apart and at the new attachment between the wall and the roof. After this, I smoothed it all out, and I was happy the roof didn’t cave in.