Blog Post 10

The fear of messing up is always in an artist’s mind, so they might go the basic route and create a standard bowl. The first set of projects were learning how to coil and pinch bowls. Towards the utilitarian project, I made a bowl, but I didn’t want it to be a standard bowl. I decided to cut handles into the bowl, not knowing if the handles would turn out well or the walls would have enough support without the clay taken out. All these risks are simply encouraging artists to keep progressing his/her skills. My ceramic skills are much better now because I’m trying new things like a plate mold to expand my boundaries.

I’ve made some accidental mistakes like making coils uneven or too small, but I eventually got my vase evened out. I learned that taking the time to roll out coils correctly would benefit my piece by not having bumps or an uneven lip. Also, if I ever make a big vase again with using a template, I would always use the template and frequenting check, so my vase won’t lean or be uneven. All in all, artists learn from mistakes and progress by taking risks to improve artistic skills.

Purple Bowl Earthenware, underglaze, and glaze 4"x 5"


Vase earthenware, underglaze, glaze 12" x 8" x 8"

Finished Pieces

Purple Bowl Earthenware, underglaze, and glaze 4"x 5"

Purple Bowl
Earthenware, underglaze, and glaze 4″x 5″ x 5″

Graduation Cap earthenware, underglaze, and glaze 5.5"x 5.5"x 6.5"

Graduation Cap
earthenware, underglaze, and glaze
5.5″x 5.5″x 6.5″

Vase earthenware, underglaze, glaze 12" x 8" x 8"

earthenware, underglaze, glaze
12″ x 8″ x 8″

Blog Post #9

00070720003803_fullNew_chocolate_milk 0322161143Food definitely strengthens relationships with friends and family because it brings them all together into one place. Getting together with friends is sometimes hard if you don’t know what to do, but everybody has time to go out to eat or cook something. At the table, you have lots of laughs and great stories that make you want to do it again because of the loving atmosphere. Also, it is a great way to get to know neighbors. Neighbors are challenging to get to know because they have a different schedule than you, but are usually willing to get together to eat. Lastly, food definitely strengthens relationships between extended family. Since I live far away from my extended family, we always get together at Christmas. Christmas is a great time to catch up with everybody and it’s when everybody makes their specialty dish for the Christmas dinner. I love the aroma of all the food, but the best part is the conversations at the table. It’s great to finally talk to your extended family after a numerous amount of months and pick up on where you left of last time you saw them. Continue reading